
This may be the first time you have ever thought about seeking help from a vocal coach. I applaud you for at least taking this step. In fact it is a pretty big one but always the first step is the hardest.

I know that you really want to sing, otherwise it is unlikely that you would be here now reading this. DON’T stop reading. Let me share something with you. 99% of my current students were told as youngsters that they couldn’t sing. In 90% of cases there is absolutely no reason for this. If you want to sing take immediate action click the link below and book your FREE personal vocal assessment session with me.

A Guide to Great Vocal Health for the Singer

Simply enter your email address below and the pdf will be emailed to you for free!

    Yes, you can sing!

    Are you one of those people who were told at school that you weren’t good enough to sing in the choir? If you stop to think about this what on earth does it mean? Did your parents tell you to stop singing because you sounded awful? What was that all about?

    If you have read this far by all means read through the rest of the site, e-mail me and tell me what you think. BUT better still click on the buttons and book a FREE personal vocal assessment. It is the best way to know whether you can sing or not and give you feedback on your voice. It’s your chance too to discuss anything with me about your singing.

    Catherine's Testimonials